We will carry out all necessary activities using the resources made available to us to become a presence that is trusted and appreciated by the automobile industry through applying our long history and communicating with the nation and society to contribute to the heightening of the presence of automobiles and the automobile industry.
To realize our vision, we will engage in the following together with those who support us:
- Propose policies for improving the environment for owning and using automobiles
- Promote exchanges and collaborations within the automobile industry and between automobile organizations
- Promote automobile use and improve automobile favorability
- Improve the position and favorability of the automobile industry
- Applaud and award people and organizations who have achieved excellent results in the above
We consider the following to be important and valuable for the people who work for the Automobile Business Association of Japan:
- Respecting the diverse backgrounds of people in workplaces that allow safe and enjoyable work
- Always making policy and action decisions based on multiple opinions
- Thinking about the results of activities in terms of how they contribute to the realization of our vision and mission
“We” = Automobile Business Association of Japan and all the people who support its operation